* Click HERE to see our calendar of events (always subject to change)



03/22/24 - The club By-Laws were significantly rewritten, voted on and approved.
You can view the current By-Laws HERE.

In the fall of 2023 we opened an online apparel store through Wight's Sporting Goods. Selling various swag and clothing, the 2-week event was a success and we raised a few hundred dollars.

10/23 and 10/24/23 - We will be appearing before the Select Boards of Milford and Bradley to request authorization to make Route 178 a legal Access Road, thus we will connect those two towns with a long sought after connector link. Final approval is still required from MDOT.

10/21/23 - A big gala event, our Annual Appreciation Dinner to thank our landowners, sponsors and members was cancelled due to a number of reasons. Next year we will plan further in advance and request RSVP.

10/07/23 - Our planned Poker Run was cancelled as it takes 30 days to receive state approval and we did not allot enough time to make this happen. Next year, however, we may have two of them!

09/30/23 - We had our second Full Moon night ride September 30. The ride started at 7:00pm. We rode for 90+ minutes. The moon was hiding behind fire haze and low clouds until near the end of the ride, but we saw it plenty then. Nice ride.

09/30/23 - The gun raffle drawing was held at the raffle creator and sponsor Maine Military Supply in Holden on Saturday September 30. Congratulations to the winner Kyle Smart of Old Town. All profits went to our club!

09/22 and 09/23/23 - We had a booth at this year's Riverfest Old Town!  This was an informational booth to gain exposure in the community, promote our club and our activities, and to answer questions from the public. Also had two successful raffles going on. Met new friends and gained a couple of members!

09/19/23 - We requested and received a nice financial contribution from the Town of Milford. Their  donations to local civic organizations help greatly to pay operational expenses. THANK YOU MILFORD SELECT BOARD !!  Greatly appreciated.

09/09 & 09/10/23 - On Saturday and Sunday afternoons, we held our BIGFOOT SCAVENGER HUNT for Bigfoot event. We had hot food served up for our Bigfoot Hunter teams. See our FB page for pics and listing of our winners.

08/31/23 - A BLUE MOON night ride was held. Not only a Blue Moon, but a super moon. Ride was run and moon was awesome.

08/26/23 - A new Park & Ride location officially announced at our local business partner the County Road Market and Deli in Milford.

08/20/23 - We have a bridge in Grand Falls that sustained some damage. It is now closed and we have a bypass trail in place so you can continue to destinations north.

08/05/23 - We have numbered all our trails! A new map is available for downloading. See that section on this webpage or on Facebook.

08/04/23 - An ATV Training Course for young riders was scheduled to be held this date at the Libby School in Milford. Unfortunately, like many events this summer, it was cancelled due to bad weather.

07/17/23 - We had a successful BBQ before our July monthly meeting. Hamburgers, hot dogs, soda, chips and member Joe Larson made and served up his special Cowboy Beans!

07/10/23 - Unseasonably rainy weather has delayed many of our events. Keep watch of this webpage or our Facebook page for updated information as it happens.

06/10/23 - We received word from the State of Maine on June 10 that our request for a Municipal Grant was approved for much of the funding amount we requested. This is a reimbursement type of funding for monies we spend on trail maintenance. We are grateful to the Penobscot County Commissioners - our Municipal partner/sponsor - for working with us on this venture.

06/07/23 - Our new website was launched. Enjoy!  We'll try our best to keep it up to date.

06/09/23 - We are thankful for our local business partner Alexander’s Mechanical Solutions who have agreed to let us use their gravel parking lot as a Park & Ride location, on the weekends. With the number of employees they have and with trucks coming and going during the weekday hours, we decided that park & ride on weekends only was best for both of us.

06/06/23 - We requested and received approval from the Milford Select Board authorization to raise the Access Road Speed Limit from 15mph to 25mph on County and Call Roads where there are no sidewalks. Similarly, roads maintained by Penobscot County have now been approved for an increase to 25mph as well. However, roads in Hancock County (Myra Road for last 1.5miles+ and the gravel road into Nicatous) remain at 15mph per our permission agreement with Hancock County.

06/03/23 -- Our first annual Open House was held at the clubhouse. We had seven door prizes we gave away on the hour. Also we had two raffles for donated items that included a lightly-used chainsaw, value $150, donated by Avery Saw Shop, and a cornhole like bean bag toss and beverage tub combo, donated by Mike and Jen Cribbin. We also served up PLENTY of food and drinks. Fun time by all.

04/25/23 - Our first club meeting under the direction of new officers was held at the clubhouse. It was encouragingly attended by 50+ members and guests. See minutes of meetings on our website for detailed information about this important first meeting.

04/08/23 - After 18-years of service, current RMTR officers tended their resignations. An emergency public meeting was held at the clubhouse to discuss total club dissolve and possible all trail closures or revitalize with new Officer volunteers. We had SIX volunteers step up to fill the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Trail Master and assistant Trail Master. THANK YOU ALL for keeping RMTR alive!